Causes of Autism

No one really knows for sure what causes autism. Most experts will say that autism is probably caused by a combination of genetic and environmental factors. Even those experts, though, do not have a definite answer. For many people, this uncertainty is terribly frustrating. On the plus side, interest in and funding for autism research is on the rise, so new and better information should be forthcoming in the next months and years.

Controversial Topic causes Autism
Autism is highly controversial but what causes is unknown. Many people are passionate about the issue, and hold strong beliefs. Recent books, articles and TV programs have raised awareness and heated up the argument. This article provides an overview of different theories, all of which have strong supporters.

Vaccines Causes Autism
There are two theories that link autism and vaccines. The first theory suggests that the MMR (Mumps-Measles-Rubella) vaccine may cause intestinal problems leading to the development of autism. The second theory suggests that a mercury-based preservative called thimerosal, used in some vaccines, could be connected to autism.

Genetic Causes Autism
It is very likely that autism has a genetic basis of some sort. Many studies have shown that parents from families with autistic members are more likely to have autistic children. It is also the case that many families with one autistic child are at increased risk of having more than one autistic child.

Bad Parent Causes Autism
No. Dr. Kanner, the man who first identified autism as a unique condition, had the idea that cold refrigerator mothers caused autism. He was wrong. Dr. Kanner's misinterpretation of autism created a generation of parents carrying the guilt for their child's disability. Autism runs in families. Twins are very likely to share autistic traits. While these facts suggest that autism is genetic. Fortunately, our generation is spared that burden.

Typical Brain Development Causes Autism
Researchers have found differences between the autistic brain and the typical brain. Autistic individuals seem to have larger brains. They also seem to process information differently; in other words, their brains are wired differently.

Immune Deficiency Causes Autism
There is some evidence that autism is linked to problems in the immune system. Autistic individuals often have other physical issues related to immune deficiency. Some researcher's say they have developed effective treatments based on boosting the immune system. The NIH, however, states that the evidence is not yet strong enough to show a causal relationship

Food Allergies Causes Autism
There is some evidence that allergies to certain foods could contribute to autistic symptoms. Most people who hold to this theory feel that gluten (a wheat product) and casein (a dairy product) are the most significant culprits.

Poor Nutrition Causes Autism
It seems unlikely that malnutrition, per se, can cause autism. But mega vitamin therapies have been used for many years to treat autistic symptoms. Dr. Bernard Rim-land, of the Autism Institute, has been a leader in this area.

It seems likely, given the research so far, that several factors combine to cause autism. For example, it may be that certain children are genetically more susceptible to certain types of food allergies, or more likely to react badly to certain environmental toxins. Until we have more definitive answers, though, it seems to make sense to focus more on treatments and to support researchers as they learn more about causes. Recent research has turned up new information about genetics, brain structure, environmental issues and more. As scientists build consensus, they are closing in on possible causes and cures for autism.

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