Showing posts with label Different Types of LD. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Different Types of LD. Show all posts


Learning Disabilities

Learning disabilities are problems about aptitude disability to receive active learning subject. Learning disabilities mansions in short form LD. This problem can make it difficult for a younger to learn quickly. There are different types of learning disabilities (LD) like processing language, Math skills, written expression, Fine motor skills and etc.
Younger suffered by learning disabilities (LD) has more than one type. Particular type of learning disabilities can interfere with a person's ability to gather and can cause someone's mind to digress too much. Some learning disabilities (LD) can make it difficult for a younger to read, write, spell, or solve math problems.
But a learning disability (LD) doesn't have anything to do with a person's intelligence after all, such successful people as Albert Einstein, Walt Disney, Alexander Graham Bell, and Winston Churchill all had learning disabilities(LD).
Person’s intellect activities information is extremely complex. Its no ponder things can get difficult sometimes. Learning disabilities (LD) rises through many factors like genetic, neurological, weaknesses in phonological awareness and rapid automatic naming, visual perception, learning styles, inefficient teaching. But wiped out of learning disabilities (LD) are easy way to adopt some active practice.
Learning Disability
Learning Disabilities Information
Fifteen percent of the U.S. population, or one in seven Americans, has some type of learning disability(LD), according to the National Institutes of Health.

Difficulty with basic reading and language skills are the most common learning disabilities. As many as 80% of students with learning disabilities (LD) have reading problems.
Learning disabilities (LD) often run in families.
Learning disabilities (LD) should not be confused with other disabilities such as mental retardation, autism, deafness, blindness, and behavioral disorders. None of these conditions are learning disabilities. In addition, they should not be confused with lack of educational opportunities like frequent changes of schools or attendance problems. Also, children who are learning English do not necessarily have a learning disability.
Attention disorders, such as Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and learning disabilities often occur at the same time, but the two disorders are not the same.
Different Types of Learning Disabilities:
Learning disabilities (LD) Types are academic skills disabilities, speech and language disabilities and miscellaneous disabilities. This first Type, academic skills disabilities, are disabilities that delay a person's progress in school, such as dyslexia, dysgraphia (or agraphia) and dyscalculia.
The second Type, speech and language disorders are disorders in which a child's speech, hearing, or understandings of spoken words are delayed.
Miscellaneous learning disabilities, the third Type, include fine motor skills problems (dyspraxia) or nonverbal learning disability.
Symptoms of Learning Disabilities:
Every person has suffered problems at one time. And these problems can cause a cycle of failure because the person may not get self-esteem deteriorates. But there is a difference between a struggle with a particular subject or teacher, and a certified learning disability.
All of the following are necessary symptoms of learning disability:
Disorganization: Unable to work in an orderly way, unable to plan.
Distractibility: Cannot sustain attention.
Reactions to unnecessary stimuli or irrelevant details.
Preservation: Cannot move to new activity, stop old one.
Hyperactivity: Runs around excessively, squirms, restless, overactive.
Low frustration tolerance: Gives up or cries easily.
Erratic learning behavior: Sometimes knows and sometimes not.
Oral class work well than other work.
Inability to transfer learning to another situation.
Lack of cooperation.
Gross Motor Skills
Throwing or catching
Coordination : falls, trips, knocks over, bumps into objects
Body image : Does not know parts of body
Fine Motor Skills
Manual dexterity
Holding pencil
Laterality and Directionality
Establishing hand preference.
Telling left from right on self and on opposite person.
Position concepts : Up-down, before-after, front-back, sideward, right-left, over-under, Around-between.
For copying transferring from vertical to horizontal
Speech and Language
Speaking clearly, hesitant, halting speech, stuttering.
Expressing things orally he appears to understand.
Articulation: Reproducing sounds correctly.
Sequencing words in a sequence or letters within words.
Ability to recall and retain general auditory information.
Ability to recall auditory information in correct sequence and detail
Recall of simple ideas and procedures.
Following spoken directions
Ability to recall accurately prior to visual experience
Seeing likeliness and differences in pictures or words
Identifying letters
Associating the letter sounds with the printed letter
Identifying similar letters ( b-d, m-n, p-q, d-p, n-u, m-w )
Hearing differences in sounds of letters.
Writing and Spelling
Copying correctly from board or book.
Recall of letters or words in dictation or spontaneous writing and copy them.
Reversing individual letters or numbers.
Transposing letters within words.
Fine motor condition in letter formation, staying on lines, spacing, organization of letters, or words, size constancy.
Mixing small and capital letters.
Copying correctly from board or book.
Recall of letters or words in dictation or spontaneous writing and copy them.
Reversing individual letters or numbers.
Transposing letters within words.
Fine motor condition in letter formation, staying on lines, spacing, organization of letters, or words, size constancy.
Mixing small and capital letters.
If any person has ongoing struggles with these disability may be the cause. Refer to references and resources below for the learning disabilities in preschool-aged persons, in elementary- and secondary-school persons, and in adults. Seek a professional diagnosis can suspect a learning disability.
Dyslexia Learning Disability: Processing language
Symptoms of Dyslexia Learning Disability: Trouble with reading, writing and spelling
Identifying Dyslexia: Letters and words may be written or pronounced backwards
Dyscalculia Learning Disability: Math skills
Symptoms include trouble with: Computation, remembering math facts, concepts of time and money
Identifying Dyscalculia: Difficulty learning to count by 2s, 3s, and 4s
Dysgraphia Learning Disability: Written expression
Symptoms include trouble with: Handwriting, spelling, composition
Identifying Dysgraphia: Illegible handwriting, difficulty organizing ideas
Dyspraxia Learning Disability: Fine motor skills
Symptoms include trouble with: Coordination, manual dexterity
Identifying Dyspraxia: Trouble with scissors, buttons, drawing
Disability: Auditory Processing Disorder
Area of difficulty: Interpreting auditory information
Symptoms include trouble with: Language development, reading
Example: Difficulty anticipating how a speaker will end a sentence
Disability: Visual Processing Disorder
Area of difficulty: Interpreting visual information
Symptoms include trouble with: Reading, writing & math
Example: Difficulty distinguishing letters like "h" and "n"
Disability: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder
Area of difficulty: Concentration & focus
Symptoms include trouble with: Over-activity, destructibility and impassivity
Example: Can’t sit still, loses interest quickly
Causes of Learning Disability:
Genetic Causes:
The possibility of Genetic Causes of Learning Disability (LD), other members of the person’s family may also have a similar problem suggesting a genetic influence.
Neurological Causes:
The probability of Neurological cases, a person with Learning Disability (LD) may exhibit some soft neurological signs suggesting slight variations from normal brain function These soft signs include a tendency towards clumsiness confusion of left and right and a failure to establish a firm lateral preference. But not all Learning Disability (LD) students show these signs.
Data from neuro imaging studies with adults and children have shown that some individuals with learning disabilities have slightly different brain structure from those of normal learners. This has been confirmed to some extent by small scale post mortem studies performed on a few dyslexic adults. It was also apparent that the network of brain activity is slightly different between skilled and unskilled readers. It is hypothesized that in some dyslexic students poor phonological skills may not be due to lack of teaching or experience but due to subtle differences in brain structures and functioning.
Weakness in phonological awareness Causes:
Significant weakness in phonological awareness and rapid automatic naming as the underlying language based causes of reading and spelling disability .Inability to understand how words can be decomposed into sounds on great difficulties in carrying out process and retrieving sounds from memory may account for the reading and spelling. This inability further restricts development of a sight vocabulary and severely disrupts comprehension.
Visual perception Causes:
A visual perceptual skill has been suggested that some dyslexic persons have unstable binocular fixation, giving rise to visual confusion when attempting to procure printed text. These are the students who report that the letter ‘swim on the page’ or go ‘blurring’. Some students with Learning Disability (LD) do have difficulties in visual perception, visual memory, Visio- spatial ability and visual motor skills but this is definitely not evident in all cases.
Learning styles causes:
Maladaptive learning style has also been implicated as a causal factor in some cases of Learning Disability (LD). A maladaptive learning style might be defined as an approach to learning that is self-defeating and likely to add to failure and frustration.
Dyspedagogia Causes:
Inefficient or insufficient teaching can create learning difficulties but by definition a learning disability is not due to poor teaching or restricted opportunity to learn. It is obviously, however, that poor teaching will certainly exacerbate any under lying disability and make a bad situation worse.